Matthew Day Jackson, "Donner Lake," 2009, laser cut and engraved Formica on wood panel, 120" x 162" x 2"

Matthew Day Jackson, “Donner Lake,” 2009, laser cut and engraved Formica on wood panel, 120″ x 162″ x 2″

I was honored to be able to write for art, ltd. magazine about this epic exhibition at the Nevada Museum of Art, “Tahoe: A Visual History.” This is a history-making show.

“‘Tahoe: A Visual History,’ on view at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno until January 10, 2016, is a seminal exhibition: the first to document the art history of Lake Tahoe and the surrounding area, including the much storied Donner Pass. The exhibition follows in the spirit of documenting the art of other natural, national treasures such as Yosemite, Niagara Falls, and Yellowstone. Curator Ann M. Wolfe, who spent the last five years planning the show, says that she aimed to make it a comprehensive and straightforward survey. “We recognized that this show should lay a foundation that future curators and scholars can work from, to create more thematic exhibitions on the subject,” she notes. “For that reason, it’s primarily laid out chronologically with just a few thematic elements.” Among the contemporary works on display are numerous pieces that were commissioned by the museum specifically for the exhibition. Thus, the show is not just an in-depth look at the art of the area, it enriches this ever-evolving dialogue as well. Read more . . .